Restless Adventurer
Constantly plagued by the desire to endure change, my ego finds itself in a constant state of turmoil. I feel an innate desire to roam. I lack roots. Nowhere to claim my own. I experience a rush of adrenaline every time I encounter a new destination. My heart races, my palms sweat, and my mind spirals. In that very moment, the world evaporates and the past, present, and future are impermanently forgotten.
There Is No Destination
Drifter, vagabond, and the more derogatory term – gypsy – linger on the lips of people when I tell them passion is adventure. Mainstream society seems to feel threatened by the very concept of challenges between individuals and the positions they bestow upon themselves. When did we lose our desire for exploration? I get asked, what am I running from. People assume there is something deep in my past that is haunting me. Something to run from. Instead of something to run to.
Adventure Is a Journey
Travel, in its very essence, is learning. Movement pushes me out of my comfort zone and forces me to live in the moment. It keeps me engaged. For me adventure keeps my mind, body, and soul in balance. It humbles me to my core. Adventure is a personal journey; it teaches me to grow and adapt. It demands that my intuition stays sharp and my heart remains open.
Follow Me
Follow me on an adventure. Watch me push myself to my ultimate limits. Experience me grow as a child of Mother Nature.